The International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation is an annual international meeting of academics who specialise in the multiple aspects of labour market segmentation. It is coordinated by an International Steering Committee. Each year the conference papers are organised around a central axis proposed to the participants of the meeting as a guide for submitting abstracts. After an interruption due to COVID-19 pandemic, the theme of the 41st conference to be held in Paris is ‘Adjusting to a world of instability: workers, firms and institutions’.


In order to help you in your submission you can follow the instructions below:

(1) Create account:  - be careful, you will receive an e-mail to confirm your account

(2) you will be able to connect to the platform via the "login" tab on the right of the web page :

(3) You can upload your abstract in the "new submission" tab

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question.

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